Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Left Behind, the Multi-Million Dollar Industry

These two shnooks, Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye, who have made hundreds of millions of dollars pimping their Armageddon porn, are on CBS' "60 Minutes II" tonight. They're scary. I mean really scary. They're claiming that, among other things, God himself is responsible for the success of their books and for Mel Gibson's Jesus snuff film.

I think parts of this report were on the Sunday version of "60 Minutes" some weeks ago; however, the stuff about Mel Gibson is, obviously, rather new.

These guys were almost giddy talking about the avenger-Christ that they have constructed--claiming, of course, that their understanding is the true meaning of the New Testament, especially the Revelations of St. John the Divine. They also aver that "We know we're right, so we just present our position" and that they're out to defeat the "liberal, wimpy" Jesus that those dastardly commie pinko left-wingers have so lovingly propagated.

Man, zealots scare me big time.