Monday, July 02, 2007

George Bush Is a Motherfucker

He's a dumb motherfucker, at that.

Seriously. If you hear that Bush is visiting your town, put your mom on a plane out of there post haste. If she's in town when he arrives, George Bush will surely fuck your mother. Why? Because that's what motherfuckers do. That, and commute the sentences of certain assholes, thereby allowing them to retain Fifth Amendment clamming-up rights. Rather than a pardon, this commutation means that Libby (who is himself a motherfucker) can still appeal his sentence. Thus, he can still keep his piehole shut when questioned. In case you forgot, Libby was the chief of staff for world-class motherfucker Dick Cheney. He recently received a thirty month prison sentence for his four felony convictions (returned by the jury in March).

Samuel Johnson once said that "Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful."

I wonder what Sammy J would make of George Bush, who is a motherfucker devoid of both integrity and knowledge.

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