Monday, May 01, 2006

NFL Draft Weekend

Ahhh, I'm still basking in the glow of the Saints good-fortune. For those of you who aren't big draft crazies like me, the Saints picked Reggie Bush -- a superstar in the making.

Hopefully Jude will return from his sub-par fantasy football season last year and host the league again. Hopefully fantasy sports will still be legal.

Also, the pork loin turned out great, many compliments. I changed the recipe just a bit and added a couple tablespoons of brown sugar. A nice finale to the Brookline-Allston street party barbequing. I'm sure Jude's baked ziti was just as marvelous.

5 days until I'm no longer a law student. Anyone want to hire a young, attractive, gregarious attorney for your litigation department? I'd be a great swingman for the company basketball team. Just leave your contact info in the comments, thanks.