Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Ok, ok. So we haven't exactly been keeping up with the site lately. I think Jude was just trying to give me a taste of my own medicine. But medicine is just what I need (according to Dr. Nabil). Apparently I have a bacterial infection that is producing lots of mucus in my nose. Sorry if I got too technical there.

In addition, I've been in the process of moving. Which is the worst thing in the entire world. Moving in Boston on Sptember 1st is so horribly painful I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

I also had a job interview today. For those of you who don't know, you're entire future is set in stone after the first year of law school. Damn, I knew I should have worked harder. Oh well, I'll cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Speaking of hoping for the best, the Sports Guy gives us a little hope here. Raise a glass to the Indians (I still giggle about the non-PC-ness of that name) for this one.

In the meantime, I'll see if I can figure out what happened to Jude.
