Thursday, July 01, 2004

Nerd Alert

Today's Nerd Alert, like yesterday's, is astronomy-related. The Cassini-Huygens mission has entered Saturnian orbit, whence it will report back data on the sixth planet, its famous rings, and its gaggle of moons, including cloud-enshrouded Titan, whose surface will be reached if the Huygens craft works according to plan.

It's been over twenty years since the Voyager 1 and 2 missions, and twenty-five years since the visit of Pioneer 11, the first human examination of the ringed planet. Unlike any previous robotic craft, the Cassini probe will actually orbit the planet, giving it much more time to gather information.

The mission, according to reports, is going swimmingly so far. Nerds everywhere are relieved and excited. Or so I'm told.