Thursday, June 17, 2004


I've been postponing my gloat-fest after the Pistons mopped the floor with the Lakers during the finals. No one saw that coming at all - not even yours truly. Our pal Nabil (lakerfan) left me a message saying that LA would win in 5 and I asked him why he thought Detroit would win a game.

But it was beautiful to watch and I already can't wait 'till next year when Darko and Delfino will be ready to make the Pistons even better.

But what I would really like to say here is that you need to read Bill Simmons on ESPN's Page 2. He has to be the funniest guy writing sports anywhere in the country. Here's a bit from this weeks column.

One of my favorite subplots of the playoffs was anyone saying that Rasheed is "misunderstood." Let's say you're working on Wall Street. Every two weeks, you flip out on someone and get escorted out of the building. This happens for 10 straight years. You can't help yourself. They keep fining you, you're costing the company money ... doesn't matter. You're a lunatic. Then you change firms and keep it together for four months, just long enough for the new firm to consider signing you to an extension. Well, does that make you "misunderstood," or are you just a lunatic with a convenient on-off switch? I'm going with the latter. I'm cynical that way.

Enjoy the rest and check him out as often as possible. I've never read a Bill Simmons column I didn't like.