Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Hail To The King, Baby

For those of you who subscribe to Salon, you should always read King Kaufman's Sports Daily.

Kaufman has what is undoubtedly the best sports commentary and analysis available. And he's funnier than all hell, too.

For instance, today he talked about the senseless murder of a timeout in last night's Monday Night Football game. Here's a small excerpt:

You'll find plenty of typists and chatterers typing and chattering that the Redskins were unable to stop the clock because they'd failed on a challenge, which burns a timeout, after having been "forced to use" two timeouts on a third-quarter drive. This is like my saying I was unable to make my last mortgage payment because I'd been forced to spend all my money on hookers.

Isn't that great?

If you don't have a Salon subscription, you have three options:

a) get one,
b) click through the ads each day to use their "day pass," or
c) mooch off of a friend who was kind enough to tell you her password (thanks, Sara!).

In addition to King Kaufman, Salon has Tom Tomorrow's cartoons, news, and great analysis (from Joe Conason, Eric Boehlert, Sidney Blumenthal, Arianna Huffington, and others). So it's probably worth the thirty-five bucks a year.

Unless you know Sara.

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