Monday, August 16, 2004

The Corporate Model Blows Hunks

I'm so goddamn tired of hearing people extol the virtues of business or the "corporate model." The oft-repeated myth that business is more efficient than government is just that--a myth. The pursuit of sales and profit above all is a self-defeating, soulless enterprise. "Business without morality" was one of the evils against which Gandhi warned.

Given all of that, check out this Rolling Stone article (via Buzzflash) about the evil behemoth that is Clear Channel Communications. And be afraid.

Something important is missing in the linked-to article, however: Clear Channel organized many pro-war rallies around the country during the months before the invasion of Iraq. Another Texas company (like Halliburton or Enron) in bed with the Bush administration, pushing for war. Why the hell would a company that owns radio stations be so gung-ho about war? That's something we need to know.

Of course, that pro-war rah-rah rallying is in the past now. But we have to live with the consequences.

Don't you just hate stories like this? Don't they just piss you off something awful?

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