Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Things That Piss Me Off

I check the server logs occasionally--to see who's been by, and, if they got here through an internet search, to see what particular search brought them here.

Sometimes, the search string that brought a visitor by really throws me for a loop. More rare, though, is the search criterion that seriously angers me. We had one of those recently.

Somehow, we came up on someone's Google search for "Audie Murphy was a child molester."

Since Audie Murphy never was even accused of such a thing, that search bothers me. Why would someone say such a thing? It's like those god-awful rumors spread a few years ago about Fred Rogers being a pedophile. Who the fuck enjoys propagating such a terrible and false story?

It really sickens me.

Audie Murphy was not a perfect man--no one is. But why impugn someone's reputation for no good reason?

People piss me off.