Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Liberal Media Bias

Well Bill O'Reilly is hopping mad. He thinks that there hasn't been enough media coverage of the murdering kidnappers in Iraq. Of course this is because the media is biased and wants to focus on Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (notice of course that he doesn't attack liberal claims on the merits - he's only attacking their presence in America's conscience).

I'm afraid that Mr. O'Reilly is missing a big part of the picture. You see, terrorists attack people, kidnap people, and kill them publicly in horrific ways. While it is horrible that innocents have died in this war, it happens in all wars - why would this one be different. We feel and pray for the victims, but that is all we can do.

Governments, however, aren't supposed to kill and torture - especially ours. When the world's moral police start torturing prisoners who are captured and detained without rights - things are a little out of order. When the government's top officials are engaged in dialogue with the Justice Department on how to circumvent international law - things are a little out of order. And when pictures are leaked showing American soldiers standing over a naked, dead Iraqi man, the Secretary of Defense admits hiding prisoners from the Red Cross, and the Attorney general thinks that the president is above the law - things are a little out of order.

Americans and the American media are naturally going to be more interested in a possibly corrupt government and abuse of power by elected and appointed officials than over the horrific public death of an innocent man during a war. We can't bring people back from the dead and we certainly can't condemn "Islamic fascists" anymore than we already have. Yes terrorists are bad and always will be. But Americans can do something about a corrupt government who might be murdering and torturing inncoent people as well - vote 'em out of office.