Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Damn, It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta, Continued

While I'm on the corporate-corruption tip, here's a few more supagangstas you might want to know about.

First--Malcolm McVay, the rich bastard who has to spend six months at home and shell out ten grand (plus "forfeit," whatever the hell that means, another fifty G). So, because this rich prick has a seventeen-year-old kid, he didn't get any prison time. Well, I'm glad that logic is consistent for all people. Wait. Oops. Sorry.

Second--Molly Ivins runs down a story on Richard Strong's gangsta ass. But they made him apologize, so it's all good, right? He has to pay a sixty million dollar fine, but he's not gonna be eating Ramen because of that. If he ever even pays a cent, that is.

But I sure am glad that people get locked the hell up for slinging weed! I know I feel much safer!