Sunday, May 02, 2004

Bill Maher

On MSNBC's Hardball; he took it to Chris Matthews.

On the John Kerry medal/ribbon nonsense:

"'Why are you covering this? Why are you taking this bait, seriously? Why are you even letting them bait you into covering this complete non-issue? This guy has medals. his guy has ribbons. The other guy didn‘t go. That‘s the whole story.

The other guy is a draft dodger. They were both rich kids in the ‘60s. One of them went to where the bullets were flying and one of them found a way not to go and then he lied about that. Stop covering the medals.

Look, one guy went into the National Guard, which back then was a way of getting out of it. On top of that, he had the nerve to say to Tim Russert, 'You know, if my Guard unit had been called up, I would have gone.' How very brave, Mr. President, considering ... only 8,700 Guard people were ever called up there, 0.03 percent. So there was no chance he would have been called up.'"

The rest of it is really good, too. Which brings to mind a question: Why is it that comedians are the ones calling Bush on his nonsense? Maher, Jon Stewart, Chris Rock--these guys aren't journalists! Buth they're the ones asking the hard questions. They're the ones who don't stoop to the nonsensical drivel of, say, Jodi Wilgoren.

Any ideas?