Thursday, April 22, 2004

Have We Fired Up the Wayback Machine?

I think we're moving backwards in time to the 1980's. Which is awful for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that we'll all have to go through the career of Madonna again.

So, John Negroponte, who never met a genocide he couldn't look the other way over, has been appointed as ambassador to Iraq. He speaks no Arabic, but he does have a long history of working well with death squads, so he might have found his niche again. You can find more about this world-class turd through Atrios by following this link.

Well, if that wasn't enough, you've got the Pentagon secretly and illegally funding its adventures. How many times in the last three years have we had to read sentences like this one: "The administration has denied any intention of misleading or concealing information from Congress, the paper said, citing an unidentified senior official," anyway?