Wednesday, April 28, 2004

So It's Come To This

I think the New York Times needs to go on vacation. Today's article about John Kerry's aide is one of the most useless things ever printed in a newspaper. Well, aside from the total hatchet job that the press did on Gore in 2000. This garbage is on the front page today! Above the fold! At the top of the page on the left!

Throughout the entire length of this ridiculous clowning, there is not a single word about Kerry's policies, his history, his campaign themes, or anything else that would qualify as political reporting. But there it sits. Front page. Jodi Wilgoren pulls off an amazing feat--she slams Kerry for being both too much like a Joe-Six-Pack (He eats PB & J! He wears cheap reading glasses!) AND too "patrician" (He has a valet! He would deign to share a bathroom with a commoner! "Mr. Kerry is comfortable being catered to. He has his moods and his myriad personal needs.") at the same time. Good lord. Have we warped back in time to 2000?

I'm sure Bob Somerby will be all over this soon, too.

Could someone please tell me where the journalism is in this stupid, stupid article? What's the point? Kerry has an assistant? That's news? Don't get me started on that snarky little "The Things He Carries" graphic. I think Michael Herr needs to write a letter to the editor.

It's gonna be a long summer.